What is a Guided Body Scan?
We often lose track of what our body is feeling when we are up in our heads. The goal of a body scan is to feel you are actively inhabiting your body and in touch with the sensations it is experiencing. In the audio file below, I will guide you through a complete, five-minute body scan that will give you an opportunity to check in with your physical self as well as create space to deliberately release tension.
When is a body scan beneficial?
Consider completing a body scan in your car prior to entering your place of work or before starting your drive home. In these instances, a body scan will help you to feel grounded before transitioning into the next part of your day. This is also a great exercise to complete before bed or at any time you are feeling particularly tense or stressed. Try to choose a quiet environment at a time when you know you will not be interrupted.
Before you start
A body scan is most beneficial when you are able to focus solely on the exercise. This can be difficult as brain chatter is generally loud and insistent during periods of stress or overwhelm. Although we cannot turn off our brains, we can take steps to quiet them. The Create a Mind Map exercise is my favorite way of distilling thoughts rapidly onto paper. It can also be as simple as jotting down a quick ‘to-do’ or ‘don’t forget’ list before you start. By using either of these methods to temporarily reduce brain chatter, you will be able to engage with the body scan exercise more completely.
This particular body scan exercise is meant to be completed in a sitting position.